Monday, September 28, 2009
Zombie head
I finished the zombie head with some hair and teeth, now I have to work on his body. I'm thinking it will be from the torso up so he can look like he's coming out of his grave and the tombstone will have the info about the zombie walk on it.

Info everyone should read...
Flu Vaccine Exposed!!!
Fluoride is BAD for you!!!
Fluoride is BAD for you!!!
More bling...
My hubby was in another half marathon this past weekend. He did great!! Got 7th place and knocked about a minute off his time. He ran 13.18 miles in 1:39:53.
This was the first year they had a half marathon at this event. They have a triathlon every year with running, canoeing and biking.
I went to different places and waited for Steve to run by so I could cheer him on like we did at the last race. I had my camera with, but most of the time I was so busy cheering that I forgot to take any pics. I did get a few during the day. Howie & Emma couldn't make it to this race, but my mom, step-dad, my son Tyler and Steve's dad all came to watch and cheer. Zak had to work, but we sent him texts about the race.
At the last race, Emma made signs and Howie brought a bike horn. I didn't make signs for this one, wish I would have. I brought my antique Halloween noise maker though and made alot of noise with
After the race they had a free lunch for the runners, and anyone else that wanted lunch it was $2.00 for a sub sandwich with fresh toppings, onions, peppers, lettuce, black olives, pickles and tomatoes. They also had different kinds of fresh fruit and drinks.
It really was a fun day and I'm very proud of my hubby. He is amazing!! When I see him running I just want to take off and run right next to him.
Here are a few pics of the day...
In the Rainier before the race,

The gazebo where Steve had to check in,

Steve talking with my step-dad,

Steve went on a warm up jog,

And here he is running to me,

All the runners had to walk to the other side of the park,

I stayed where we were so I could get a pic of the runners as they came up to us,

This pic is after the race, we were waiting for the awards,

Here's Steve walking back after getting his medal,

After he got his medal I went over to check out the placement board,

Here's my hubby with his "new bling"...

I told him to give me a big smile...

This was the first year they had a half marathon at this event. They have a triathlon every year with running, canoeing and biking.
I went to different places and waited for Steve to run by so I could cheer him on like we did at the last race. I had my camera with, but most of the time I was so busy cheering that I forgot to take any pics. I did get a few during the day. Howie & Emma couldn't make it to this race, but my mom, step-dad, my son Tyler and Steve's dad all came to watch and cheer. Zak had to work, but we sent him texts about the race.
At the last race, Emma made signs and Howie brought a bike horn. I didn't make signs for this one, wish I would have. I brought my antique Halloween noise maker though and made alot of noise with
After the race they had a free lunch for the runners, and anyone else that wanted lunch it was $2.00 for a sub sandwich with fresh toppings, onions, peppers, lettuce, black olives, pickles and tomatoes. They also had different kinds of fresh fruit and drinks.
It really was a fun day and I'm very proud of my hubby. He is amazing!! When I see him running I just want to take off and run right next to him.
Here are a few pics of the day...
In the Rainier before the race,
The gazebo where Steve had to check in,
Steve talking with my step-dad,
Steve went on a warm up jog,
And here he is running to me,
All the runners had to walk to the other side of the park,
I stayed where we were so I could get a pic of the runners as they came up to us,
This pic is after the race, we were waiting for the awards,
Here's Steve walking back after getting his medal,
After he got his medal I went over to check out the placement board,
Here's my hubby with his "new bling"...
I told him to give me a big smile...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
OK, I know I said I wasn't going to dec out the yard this year for Halloween, but I am working on something new now. One of my son's Professors is getting a Zombie Walk set up this year to raise funds for the Food Pantry. I sent her an email and told her I would be happy to advertise the event in my yard haunt. She is going to let me know all the info once she gets everything going on it.
I've started making a zombie that will be holding a sign for the event. So far I have a hand and the head started. I had to get some "teeth" to finish the head. I got the idea for the hands from this website, Zombie Hand How-to
Here is how I made my hand and head. If you decide to try making your own zombie using this technique, you do so at your own risk. Be sure to wear rubber gloves while glueing on the cotton and napkins and use a drop cloth under your work area. :-)
The Head-
First I started with styrofoam wig heads..

Then I gave them a green undercoating...

After that, I cut out holes to put eyes into. I have ping pong balls with eyes painted on them..

Then I decided to cut out a section of the mouth to add teeth to later..

Then I used brown paper napkins and Elmer's White Glue to add some skin to the zombie head..

I soaked the napkins in the glue and spread it around the head to look like wrinkled, rotting skin..

After a day of drying, my blue-eyed zombie looks pretty good...

Now I have to glue in his teeth, hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to do that. I'll be using fake fingernails for the teeth...

The hand-
I used coat hangers, Elmer's Glue, brown napkins, masking tape and cotton balls on the hand. First I cut the bottoms off a couple hangers and bent them to make the fingers...

Then I used a section of hanger to make the thumb..

I taped all the pieces together with masking tape...

Then I used tape to make knuckles..

I decided to make something on the hand to make it easier to hang to dry and to have something to connect the hand to the arm later when I put it all together. I took the top part of one of the hangers I cut to make the fingers and used a pliers to bend the ends around until they fit in the "palm" of the hand...

Then I covered that part with tape also..

It was too messy to take pics while adding the cotton and napkins, but first I stretched out cotton balls and wrapped them around the fingers and palm area of the hand. Then I soaked napkins in the glue and wrapped that around the cotton...

I hung it on the clothes line for a day and it darkened up like the head did when it was dry.

I've started making a zombie that will be holding a sign for the event. So far I have a hand and the head started. I had to get some "teeth" to finish the head. I got the idea for the hands from this website, Zombie Hand How-to
Here is how I made my hand and head. If you decide to try making your own zombie using this technique, you do so at your own risk. Be sure to wear rubber gloves while glueing on the cotton and napkins and use a drop cloth under your work area. :-)
The Head-
First I started with styrofoam wig heads..
Then I gave them a green undercoating...
After that, I cut out holes to put eyes into. I have ping pong balls with eyes painted on them..
Then I decided to cut out a section of the mouth to add teeth to later..
Then I used brown paper napkins and Elmer's White Glue to add some skin to the zombie head..
I soaked the napkins in the glue and spread it around the head to look like wrinkled, rotting skin..
After a day of drying, my blue-eyed zombie looks pretty good...
Now I have to glue in his teeth, hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to do that. I'll be using fake fingernails for the teeth...
The hand-
I used coat hangers, Elmer's Glue, brown napkins, masking tape and cotton balls on the hand. First I cut the bottoms off a couple hangers and bent them to make the fingers...
Then I used a section of hanger to make the thumb..
I taped all the pieces together with masking tape...
Then I used tape to make knuckles..
I decided to make something on the hand to make it easier to hang to dry and to have something to connect the hand to the arm later when I put it all together. I took the top part of one of the hangers I cut to make the fingers and used a pliers to bend the ends around until they fit in the "palm" of the hand...
Then I covered that part with tape also..
It was too messy to take pics while adding the cotton and napkins, but first I stretched out cotton balls and wrapped them around the fingers and palm area of the hand. Then I soaked napkins in the glue and wrapped that around the cotton...
I hung it on the clothes line for a day and it darkened up like the head did when it was dry.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Apple Dumpling Day Race
My hubby, Steve, was in a half marathon over the weekend. A neighboring town was celebrating their Apple Dumpling Day and had three different races. It was an exciting day!! I don't know how many total were in the half marathon, but there were 65 pre-registered. They had a half marathon, a 5k run/walk and a .75k fun run for kids. There were alot of people there and it was a very fun day.
Steve's brother, Howie, and sister-in-law, Emma, came to watch the race. Emma made a couple signs and Howie found an old bike horn to honk at Steve during the race. Steve really enjoyed seeing us at each checkpoint during the race. He said it helped motivate him, and the other runners looked like they enjoyed all the cheering we did for them too.
Steve had a great run and came in 1st. in his age group and 10th. overall. Congrats, Steve!! You're awesome!!!
This is Steve before the race. He was a bit nervous because this was his first half marathon.

Steve was doing some stretching before the race and one of his co-workers, who is a member of the Lions Club that puts on the race, stood by him talking to him. As he was standing there talking to Steve he started going back and forth like he was going to start stretching along with Steve. LOL!

They called all the runners to go to the other side of the street to the starting line..

And then they had them pose for a picture before the race started..

At one point in the race I went to take a picture of Steve running and I forgot I had the camera set to take video. By the time I got the setting changed all I caught was Steve's arm as he flew by me...

Here is the placement board with Steve's tag in the front...

And here is Steve getting his medal...

And a close-up of his medal..

Steve's brother, Howie, and sister-in-law, Emma, came to watch the race. Emma made a couple signs and Howie found an old bike horn to honk at Steve during the race. Steve really enjoyed seeing us at each checkpoint during the race. He said it helped motivate him, and the other runners looked like they enjoyed all the cheering we did for them too.
Steve had a great run and came in 1st. in his age group and 10th. overall. Congrats, Steve!! You're awesome!!!
This is Steve before the race. He was a bit nervous because this was his first half marathon.
Steve was doing some stretching before the race and one of his co-workers, who is a member of the Lions Club that puts on the race, stood by him talking to him. As he was standing there talking to Steve he started going back and forth like he was going to start stretching along with Steve. LOL!
They called all the runners to go to the other side of the street to the starting line..
And then they had them pose for a picture before the race started..
At one point in the race I went to take a picture of Steve running and I forgot I had the camera set to take video. By the time I got the setting changed all I caught was Steve's arm as he flew by me...
Here is the placement board with Steve's tag in the front...
And here is Steve getting his medal...
And a close-up of his medal..
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
OMG! He's at it again!
I had to give myself a couple days before I typed anything up about this. I didn't want to have to go back later and edit an anger filled blog post. I had written a bit in a previous post about "my sister's brother" and his behavior. Well, he's at it again. This time though instead of picking up the phone and screaming at mom, he's telling his kids that he never did anything wrong to any of us, we all just stopped talking to him for no reason and we all owe him an apology.
Well, dear brother, I'm sorry you're an ass that can't own up to anything.
I have no sympathy for him at all if this is the way he thinks. I guess being there for him through his whole f'ing painful divorce didn't matter. I guess being there with him to pick up his kids from his ex didn't matter. I guess all those times we've stopped at his trailer to visit him when we were in town didn't matter. I guess going to the jailhouse to pick him up after his ex had him arrested didn't matter. I guess all of us chipping in to help him out after he busted up his knee didn't matter.
I just don't get his way of thinking. Seriously, I don't. We have done nothing but help this guy for years and he thinks we all just stopped talking to him for no reason, he blames all of us for his problems. It wasn't until AFTER he started being so mean to mom and our sister, and not even acknowledging his nephews graduation that we all just started to leave him alone.
He is a user, he always has been. He won't have anything to do with anyone unless he can get something out of it. He has always been that way right from the start. So, as far as I'm concerned, he's getting what he deserves. I'm done with the guy. My husband, our kids and I have never done anything wrong to this guy. We brought him birthday gifts, we celebrated things with him and his kids when he had them, we did normal family things with him all the time. But it was never enough.
I think this pretty much sums up his behavior-- He has had a miserable life and it's everyone else's fault. He is in no way responsible for the way his own life has turned out. --yeah, that seems to be the way he thinks.
This is all just really sad. Mom and dad raised us better than this. Yes, dad was a hard-ass and had problems of his own, but we all got through it. I don't blame my upbringing for my problems now. I don't blame my family for things going wrong in my life. Shit happens, work it out and move on. Don't dwell in the past, there's nothing you can do about it anyway. Just move on and make a better future for yourself. Which is exactly what I'm doing by saying "F-U" for being such an ass to everyone.

Well, dear brother, I'm sorry you're an ass that can't own up to anything.
I have no sympathy for him at all if this is the way he thinks. I guess being there for him through his whole f'ing painful divorce didn't matter. I guess being there with him to pick up his kids from his ex didn't matter. I guess all those times we've stopped at his trailer to visit him when we were in town didn't matter. I guess going to the jailhouse to pick him up after his ex had him arrested didn't matter. I guess all of us chipping in to help him out after he busted up his knee didn't matter.
I just don't get his way of thinking. Seriously, I don't. We have done nothing but help this guy for years and he thinks we all just stopped talking to him for no reason, he blames all of us for his problems. It wasn't until AFTER he started being so mean to mom and our sister, and not even acknowledging his nephews graduation that we all just started to leave him alone.
He is a user, he always has been. He won't have anything to do with anyone unless he can get something out of it. He has always been that way right from the start. So, as far as I'm concerned, he's getting what he deserves. I'm done with the guy. My husband, our kids and I have never done anything wrong to this guy. We brought him birthday gifts, we celebrated things with him and his kids when he had them, we did normal family things with him all the time. But it was never enough.
I think this pretty much sums up his behavior-- He has had a miserable life and it's everyone else's fault. He is in no way responsible for the way his own life has turned out. --yeah, that seems to be the way he thinks.
This is all just really sad. Mom and dad raised us better than this. Yes, dad was a hard-ass and had problems of his own, but we all got through it. I don't blame my upbringing for my problems now. I don't blame my family for things going wrong in my life. Shit happens, work it out and move on. Don't dwell in the past, there's nothing you can do about it anyway. Just move on and make a better future for yourself. Which is exactly what I'm doing by saying "F-U" for being such an ass to everyone.
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