Daisypath tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, November 27, 2009


There's a new show on ABC called Eastwick. It's a series made from the book and movie 'The Witches of Eastwick'. It's a great show, really fun and a nice break from all the police, hospital and "reality" shows on TV.


Unfortunately, ABC has cancelled the show. They didn't even give it a chance. They'll be showing the episodes they have made and then it's done, they're just pulling the plug. It's really sad that they finally have something new and fresh and before it can even build a fan base they dump it.


There's an online petition that is trying to save Eastwick. If anyone out there reads my blogs, please take the time to check out Eastwick and sign the petition to hopefully save the show. It really is a fun show. Here's the link to the petition..


And here is the link to ABC's website for the show...





Sunday, November 22, 2009

A day off....

Not feeling well at all this weekend. I'm taking the day off from everything and just resting my body. I'm glad it hit this weekend instead of next. It's a short work week and long weekend coming up next week so I want to be healthy and energized for that.

I made some of that boxed chicken soup. It's not my mom's homemade but it'll have to do. I have the whole day to myself and I'm too sick to even enjoy it...lol!! Hubby and Zak are at work and Ty is hunting. He got a 6 pointer this morning. I'm guessing he went back out with the rest of the crew. Haven't heard anything more out of him all day.

My son went on a ghost hunt Friday night. He was teamed up with a girl who, like him, is an attractor of the paranormal. They were told they can no longer be paired up. The last ghost hunt they went on was to a cemetery and they were together then too. Batteries die, weird things happen and equipment doesn't work right when they get together. I wish I could go with them sometime. Maybe I should let them come here for a night. But it would have to be on a night that Steve worked all night and Ty can go to Grandpa's or something. Neither of them really care for the weird stuff so it would be better if they weren't in the house.

We haven't had too much going on in our house lately. It comes and goes. I think it's over at the neighbors again. Whatever it is, it goes back and forth between our house and the neighbors. The neighbors house used to be the parsonage for the church across the street. The Pastor that used to live there had all the same weird stuff going on there that we do here. She actually asked me to help her bless her house to try to get rid of it. Whatever this thing is, it thrives on negativity. The more negative energy is in the house, the more active it is. Things have been pretty calm and positive at our house so it doesn't have much to feed off of.

A friend at work has been having problems dealing with the bank he's getting a mortgage loan through. Once again, as I did in an earlier post, I don't want to write the name out because I don't want them to be advertised in the Google Ads to the side of the page. I'll just say falling into WELLS means you'll have FAR to GO ;-) but anyhoo.... I made him a doll to help release some stress. At first I was going to make something that represented the loan officer that is causing him so much trouble. But that just didn't feel right. So, after thinking/meditating on it for a while I realized what he really needed to do was focus on positive thoughts and energy to send out to the Universe. I made a doll that represented him and created a positive energy spell with the help of this book...


Here's the doll...


I also gave him a St. Jude candle to light up and ask for assistance.

Best of luck to you, Greg!!

pffftttt.... and people in this town think I'm the evil spawn of Satan...lol.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Catching up...

I haven't been here for a while so I thought I'd get caught up on a couple things.

Steve and I celebrated our 21st anniversary this year. Steve had to work on the 29th so we had to celebrate the next night. We went out to eat at The River's Edge. It's a really nice restaurant in the Dells. We had the Friday night fish buffet. I was all planned to have the grilled mahi mahi (no, it isn't dolphin!!) because I love their grilled mahi mahi, but I decided to go with the buffet after I got there. We had a great time!!

Halloween was fun again this year. Even though we didn't decorate the yard, we still had a fun time handing out candy. It was sooooooo nice having Steve home this year. He usually ends up having to work. My mom came over again this year to help hand out candy. She gets such a kick out of seeing the kids in their costumes!! She put on my witch hat and and a cape for her costume. I was a devil, Steve was a scary old man and Zak made his own costume, not sure what you'd call it, but it was creepy. Ty was an actor in the school's haunted trail. He was a werewolf and did such a good job he made a kid cry.... good job Tyrone!!! Steve really creeped out the kids with his costume. He sat on our front steps and most kids wouldn't come near the steps.

Here are a few pics...












My little space to haunt on the web
