Well, we've been at Anytime Fitness for almost two months now and I'm loving it just as much today as when we joined. Even though my weight isn't dropping, I'm slimming and toning. Yesterday I wore pants that I haven't wore for a long time, and they were baggy on me :) so that tells me I'm doing something right...lol.
I was always a bit scared to join a gym. I thought it would be full of people who were extreme athletes and I would be very out of place. I was way wrong!!! The people there are very nice and they're all after the same thing, getting healthy, fit and feeling good about themselves. It's a very fun and inspirational atmosphere, and it makes me wish I would have joined a long time ago!!
We've been taking a few pictures while at the gym and thought I'd share a few here.
Here is our oldest son at his trainer assesment. When we signed up we were given a free health assesment to see what our fitness level was.
Here's my mom at her assesment,
Here is my sexy, running man hubby,
We celebrated our anniversary this year with a gym date. It was awesome!! While we were doing medicine ball situps on the decline bench, one of the guys that work there handed us his gloves and pads and showed us how to add punches into the workout. WOW!!! What a workout that was!! I told him we were celebrating with a gym date and how much I loved working out there and he said he wanted to see it on the board before we left. So here is what I wrote on the board,
Here is a pic of Steve and our son on the bikes. Sorry it's blurry, I was on a machine while taking the pics...lol,
My muscle man, pumping iron!
Here he is on the bike again,
And Steve got the camera so here's one of me working my legs :)
And one of me telling him to give me back the camera...lol
So, that is some of our fun at the gym. Our son that is in the military sends me lists of exercises he has to do there and I make up workouts of them to do in between the weight lifting and machines. My favorite so far has been the frog jumps. They got me so winded I could hardly breathe, I really felt like I was working my body hard with those. I would like to try them in the school gym to see if I can make it all the way across the floor. :)
If you're thinking of joining a gym, I highly recommend you go for it!! One thing I like about Anytime Fitness is the fact that it IS ANYTIME! I make one payment a month and I can go there anytime I want, I can go on a regular schedule set for the week, I can go in the morning before I start my day, I can go at night to end the day, I can go when I'm bored, I can go when I'm stressed, I can go when I need a boost to my self esteem, I can go when it's too hot outside to do anything, I can go when it's raining.... the list of when's can go on and on. The best thing about it is that even though we are on a budget, we make that one payment a month and that's it, we can go whenever and not have to bring any cash with us. We make this our family time when we can all be there together, and my hubby and I also make it our "date" time when it's just he and I.
I have found that since going to the gym I am much more relaxed, I can move around better, I feel better, I have more energy, I'm walking taller because I feel good about myself, I'm more flexible and I'm stronger physically and mentally.
It has been a great experience and I'm looking forward to what is waiting for me on our new journey.