Some people collect stamps, some collect sports cards, or marbles, rocks, buttons... etc. etc. etc.... I collect DVD's.
I decided that since I have two weeks off I would go through my movies and alphabetize them. I'll list the movies and TV shows I have on DVD. I didn't list the workouts, video games, music videos or sports shows. Counting the movies I have 559. Some of the DVD's I have listed are boxed sets with multiple movies in them, I didn't list each movie on some of the sets because there's too many movies in it to sit there and type out each one. Some of the sets that have 3 or 4 movies I typed out. So 559 really isn't an accurate count, I actually have more than that. I know some movies are listed more than once, I have more than one copy of some and some are included in different boxed sets. And when you see movies with slashes between them, that means they are in a boxed set.
Here's my list in alphabetical order...
DVD Movie List- 559
10.5 Apocalypse/Category 7 The End of the World
10th Kingdom, The
11th Hour, The
12 Monkeys/Jackal, The/Mercury Rising
13 Seconds
13th Warrior, The
1408 (Fourteen Oh Eight)
20 Years With The Dolphins
28 Days Later
28 Days Later
Absolute Zero/Black Hole, The
Abyss, The
Ace Venture When Nature Calls
Addams Family, The
Air Force One/In the Line of Fire
Alfred Hitchcock 4 pack Easy Virtue
Alfred Hitchcock 4 pack Jamica Inn
Alfred Hitchcock 4 pack Sabotage
Alfred Hitchcock 4 pack The 39 Steps
Alfred Hitchcocks Psycho
Alien Files, The
Alien Nation
Alien VS Predator
Alone in the Dark
American Pie
American Pie 2
American Werewolf in London
Amityville Horror (original), The
Amityville Horror, The (remake)
An Inconvenient Truth
Andromeda Strain, The
Ape Man, The/Ape, The
Ape, The/ Ape Man, The
Army of Darkness
Atom Age Vampires/Revolt of the Zombies
Attack of the Giant Leeches/Wasp Woman, The
Attack of the Monsters/Monster from a Prehistoric Planet
Basic Instinct
Bat, The
Beast From 20,000 Fathoms/THEM!
Beast from the Haunted Cave/Nightmare Castle
Being Caribou
Best of Abbott & Costello Movie Pack
Bicentennial Man/Mission to Mars
Big Cat Challenge Nature Program
Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Black Hole, The
Black Hole, The/Absolute Zero
Blackbeard/Poseidon Adventure, The
Blade 2
Blade Trinity
Blood and Chocolate
Bone Snatcher, The
Brain That Wouldn’t Die, The
Brainiac, The
Brainic, The/Doctor Bloods Coffin/Fury of the Wolfman
Bram Stoker’s Dracula
Brave One, The
Bride of the Gorilla/King of Kong Island/White Pongo
Brotherhood of the Wolf
Bruce Campbell VS. Army of Darkness
Bubba Ho-Tep
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The
Caddy Shack
Cartoon Craze: Gumby: Gumbasia
Cartoon Craze: Mighty Mouse/Heckle and Jeckle
Cartoon Explosion
Cartoon Mania
Cartoon Marathon
Casper Cartoons
Casper Meets Wendy
Category 7 The End of the World/10.5 Apocalypse
Cats and Dogs
Changeling, The
Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things
Classics from Outer Space 10 Sci-fi movies pack (The Phantom from 10,000 Leagues, The Brain the Wouldn't Die, Teenagers From Outer Space, The Phantom Planet, First Spaceship on Venus, They Came From Beyond Space, The Atomic Brain, The Last Woman on Earth, The Giant Gila Monster, The Amazing Transparent Man)
Close Encounters/Starman
Core, The
Count of Monte Cristo, The
Countdown: The Sky’s on Fire
Covenant, The
Craft, The
Creature/Track of the Moonbeast/Snowbeast
Crow, The
Curse of King Tut’s Tomb, The/Merlin’s Apprentice
Da Vinci Code, The
Dark Wolf/Howling, The/Perfect Creature
Darkness Falls
Day After Tomorrow, The
Day After, The
Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), The
Day the Earth Stood Still (remake), The
Dead Alive
Dead Birds
Dead Hate The Living, The
Dead Men Walk/Monster Maker, The
Death to Smoochy
Dementia 13
Desert Heat/Double Team/Maximum Risk
Devil Bat/Vampire Bat
Devils Advocate
Dick Tracy
Disney’s Haunted Mansion
Doctor Bloods Coffin/Fury of the Wolfman/Brainiac, The
Dog Soldiers
Donnie Darko
Don’t Look in the Basement/Satan’s School for Girls/House on Haunted Hill/Silent Night Deadly Night
Double Team/Maximum Risk/Desert Heat
Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde
Dr. Jekyll vs The Werewolf/Moon of the Wolf
Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Dracula 2 Ascension
Dracula 2000
Dracula The Dark Prince
Dragon Ball Z collection (12 discs)
Dragon’s World
Dunwitch Horror, The
Earth VS the Flying Saucer
Earth vs the Spider
Eight Legged Freaks
Elvira Mistress of the Dark/Transylvania 6-5000
Elvira Movie Macabre Frankenstein’s Castle of Freaks
Elvira Movie Macabre Legacy of Blood
Elvira’s Haunted Hills
Ernest Scared Stupid
Event Horizon
Evil Dead
Evil Dead 2 Dead by Dawn
Evil Dead Book of the Dead Collector Cover
Exorcism of Emily Rose, The
Fall of the House of Usher, The
Fatal Attraction
Fear Dot Com
Fern Gully
Field of Dreams
Final Days of Planet Earth/Supernova
Finding Nemo
Fire in the Sky
First Blood
Fly (original 1958), The
Fly (remake 1986), The
Fog (original), The
Fountain, The
Frankenstein and The Monster From Hell
Freddy VS Jason
Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th Part 2
Fright Night
Frighteners, The
From Hell
Fury of the Wolfman/Brainiac, The/Doctor Bloods Coffin
Garden of the Dead
Gate, The
Gathering, The
George A. Romero’s Dawn of the Dead (original)
George A. Romero’s Dawn of the Dead (remake)
George A. Romero’s Land of the Dead
George A. Romero’s Night of the living Dead (1990)
George A. Romero’s Night of the living Dead (original)
Ghost Rider
Ghost Ship
Ghosts on the Loose
Ghoul Log
Ghoulies 2/Ghoulies
Ghoulies 4/Prom Night
Ghoulies/Ghoulies 2
Giant Gila Monster/Killer Shrews
Ginger Snaps
Ginger Snaps 2
Gone in 60 Seconds
Good Against Evil/Night of the Bloody Horror
Gorillas: From The Heart of Darkness
Great Los Angeles Earthquake, The
Halloween H2O
Halloween The Curse of Michael Myers
HalloweenTown 1
HalloweenTown 2
Hansel and Gretel
Happening, The
Happy Gilmore
Hard Target/Timecop/Street Fighter/Quest, The
Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter Sorcerers Stone
Haunted History of Halloween, The
Hellboy 2
Hellraiser 2/Hellraiser
Hellraiser/Hellraiser 2
Here Comes Peter Cottontail
Hocus Pocus
Horror Classics 17 movie pack
Hostile Hauntings 6 movie set
House of the Dead
House of Wax (original)
House on Haunted Hill (original)
House on Haunted Hill/Silent Night Deadly Night/Don’t Look in the Basement/Satan’s School for Girls
Howling 3
Howling 4
Howling, The/Dark Wolf/Perfect Creature
i, Robot
i, Robot
Ice Age
In the Line of Fire/Air Force One
Incredible Hulk Returns, The/Trial of the Incredible Hulk, The
Independence Day
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Island of the Dead
It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
Jackal, The/Mercury Rising/12 Monkeys
Jason X
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Jesse James Meets Frankensteins Daughter/Monster Maker, The
Jet Li The One
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Joy Ride
Jurassic Park 3
Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Killer Shrews/Giant Gila Monster
King of Kong Island/White Pongo/Bride of the Gorilla
King of the Zombies/Revolt of the Zombies
Kingdom of the Spiders
Lake Placid/Python
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The
Legend of Boggy Creek, The
Leprechaun 2/Leprechaun
Leprechaun/Leprechaun 2
Little Mermaid, The
Little Monsters
Little Nicky
Little Shop of Horrors b&w
Little Vampire, The
Longest Yard, The
Longest Yard, The (remake)
Looney Tunes Collection
Looney Tunes Spotlight Collection
Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Rings
Lord of the Rings Return of the King
Lord of the Rings Two Towers
Lord of War
Lost World- silent movie classic, The
Love at First Bite
Mad Monster Party
Man with the Screaming Brain, The
Man with the X-Ray Eyes, The
March of the Penguins
Mars Attacks
Mask of Zorro, The
Max Magician and the Legend of the Rings
Maximun Risk/Desert Heat/Double Team
Mazes and Monsters
Medicine Man
Men In Black
Men In Black 2
Mercury Rising/12 Monkeys/Jackal, The
Merlin’s Apprentice/Curse of King Tut’s Tomb, The
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Mission to Mars/Bicentennial Man
Monster from a Prejistoric Planet/Attack of the Monsters
Monster House
Monster Inc.
Monster Maker, The/Dead Men Walk
Monster Maker, The/Jesse James Meets Frankensteins Daughter
Monster Squad, The
Monsters Crash The Pajama Party
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Moon of the Wolf
Moon of the Wolf/Dr. Jekyll vs The Werewolf
Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat Annihilation
Mr. Nanny
Mummy Returns, The
Mummy, The
Munsters Revenge, The
Mysteries of the Deep Best of Undersea Explorer 5 DVD Collection
Mysterious Island
Mystery Alaska
Naked Space
National Treasure
National Treasure Book of Secrets
Near Dark
Night at the Roxbury
Night Fright/Sisters of Death
Night of the Bloody Horror/Good Against Evil
Night of the Demon
Night Skies
Nightmare Before Christmas, The
Nightmare Castle/Beast from the Haunted Cave
Nightmare on Elm Street
Nothing But Trouble
Nurse, The
Old School
Omen (original), The
Once Bitten
One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest
One Step Beyond, The Best of
Others, The
Passion of the Christ, The
Perfect Creature/Howling, The/Dark Wolf
Phantom Creeps, The
Pink Floyd The Wall
Pit and the Pendulum, The
Planet of the Apes (original)
Planet of the Apes (remake)
Pokemon collection (5 discs)
Poseidon Adventure, The/Blackbeard
Practical Magic
Princess Bride, The
Prom Night/Ghoulies 4
Prophecy, The
Punisher, The
Punisher, The
Python/Lake Placid
Queen of the Damned
Quest, The/Hard Target/Timecop/Street Fighter
Raising Cain
Rats, The
Red Dragon
Reign of Fire
Retro Puppet Master
Return of the Living Dead
Revolt of the Zombies/Atom Age Vampires
Revolt of the Zombies/King of the Zombies
Ring, The
Rob Zombie’s House of 1000 Corpses
Rob Zombie’s The Devil’s Rejects
Rock, The
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Rosemary’s Baby
Roswell Cover-ups and Close Encounters
Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Russell Mulcahy’s Tale of the Mummy
Sabaka/Snake People, The
Salem Witch Trials
Satan’s School for Girls/House on Haunted Hill/Silent Night Deadly Night/Don’t Look in the Basement
Scare Crow
Sci-Fi Flicks 3 Disc Set
Scooby-Doo and the Loch Ness Monster
Scooby-Doo Movie
Scooby-Doo Spookiest Tales
Scorpion King, The
Screaming Skull/Tormented
Screen Screams: I Eat Your Skin (1964)
Screen Screams: Screaming Skull (1958)
Screen Screams: The Embalmaer
Secret of Isis TV Series, The
Secret Window
Secret, The
Sentinel, The
Shadow, The
Shallow Ground
Shallow Hal
Shaun of the Dead
Shrek 2
Silence of the Lambs, The
Silent Night Bloody Night/Don’t Look in the Basement/Satan’s School for Girls/House on Haunted Hill
Simpson’s Movie, The
Sisters of Death/Night Fright
Six Feet Under Season One
Skeleton Man
Skeletonman/Vampire Wars
Sleeping Beauty
Sleepy Hollow
Snake People, The/Sabaka
Snakes on a Train
SNL Best of Adam Sandler
SNL Best of Will Ferrell
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Snowbeast/Creature/Track of the Moonbeast
Star Trek Best of TOS
Star Trek Trilogy (Wrath of Kahn, Search for Spock, The Voyage Home)
Star Wars Return of the Jedi
Stargate Continuum
Stargate The Ark of Truth
Starman/Close Encounters
Stephen King’s Cat’s Eye
Stephen King's Children of the Corn
Stephen King’s Cujo
Stephen King’s Dreamcatcher
Stephen King’s It
Stephen King’s Misery
Stephen King’s Needful Things
Stephen King’s Night Flier
Stephen King’s Pet Sematary
Stephen King’s Rose Red
Stephen King’s Salem’s Lot
Stephen King’s Sleepwalkers
Stephen King’s The Dead Zone
Stephen King’s The Mist
Stephen King’s The Running Man
Stephen King’s Thinner
Stephen King’s Tommyknockers
Street Fighter/Quest, The/Hard Target/Timecop
Suburban Commando
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. Supershow Vol. 2
Superman 1
Superman 2
Superman 3
Superman 4
Superman Brainiac Attacks
Superman vs The Monsters & Villains
Supernova/Final Days of Planet Earth
Surf Ninjas
Swarm, The
Tales of Terror Pack Christmas Evil
Tales of Terror Pack Circus of Fear
Tales of Terror Pack Deep Red, The Hatchet Murders
Tales of Terror Pack Die, Sister Die!
Tales of Terror Pack House on the Edge of the Park
Tales of Terror Pack Lady Frankenstein
Tales of Terror Pack Messiah of Evil
Tales of Terror Pack Sisters of Death
Tales of Terror Pack The Werewolf and the Vampire Woman
Tales of Terror Pack Web of the Spider
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3
Tenacious D
Terminator 2/Total Recall
Terminator, The
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (remake)
THEM!/Beast From 20,000 Fathoms
There's Something About Mary
Thing, The
Thing From Another World, The
Tick TV Series, The
Timecop/Street Fighter/Quest, The/Hard Target
Tin Man
Tingler, The
Tommy Boy
Tormented/Screaming Skull
Total Recall
Total Recall/Terminator 2
Toy Story
Track of the Moonbeast/Snowbeast/Creature
Transylvania 6-5000/Elvira Mistress of the Dark
Tremors Attack Pack 1, 2, 3, 4
Trial of the Incredible Hulk, The/Incredible Hulk Returns, The
Trick or Treat
UFO Chronicles
Ugly, The
Uncle Buck
Undertaker and His Pals, The
Underworld Evolution
Underworld Rise of the Lycans
Unexplained Mysteries
Universal Monsters Creature from the Black Lagoon Collection
Universal Monsters Dracula Collection
Universal Monsters Frankenstein Collection
Universal Monsters The Wolf Man Collection
Unseen Evil
Unspeakable Horror Pack: Dr Jekyl and Mr. Hyde
Unspeakable Horror Pack: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Unspeakable Horror Pack: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Vampire Bat/Devil Bat
Vampire Journals
Vampire Wars/SkeletonMan
Van Helsing
Veil (5 episodes), The
Veil (5 episodes), The
War of the Worlds, The/When Worlds Collide
Wasp Woman, The/Attack of the Giant Leeches
Watcher in the Woods
Watchmen Motion Comic
Water Boy, The
werewolf vs Vampire Women
Wes Craven’s Chiller
When Good Ghouls Go Bad
Where the Red Fern Grows
Where the Red Fern Grows 2
White Noise
White Pongo/Bride of the Gorilla/King of Kong Island
White Zombie
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Wicker Man (1973), The
Wicker Man (2006), The
Wild Africa 5 DVD Collection
Wishmaster/Wishmaster 2
Wonder Woman Animated Movie
Wonder Woman TV Series
Wrong Turn
X-Files Fight the Future
X-Files I want to Believe
X-Files Season 1
X-Files Season 2
X-Files Season 3
X2 X-Men United
X3 The Last Stand
Young Frankenstein