For Xmas at my mom's this year we decided to play a gift exchange game. Everyone bought a $20.00 gift and wrapped it. Then when the game starts the gifts go in a pile in the middle of the floor. Each person rolls dice and if they get doubles they can choose a gift. Once everyone has a gift we open them and show everyone else what we got. Now the fun starts, we have to roll the dice again, but this time if you get doubles you can switch gifts with someone if you like their gift better. There is a twenty minute time limit and once the alarm goes off the game is over and whatever gift you're left with is the one you keep. We decided at Thanksgiving dinner to play this game at Xmas and were told at that time that you should buy a gift that you want for yourself and try to keep it during the game. So, that's what we did. My hubby was the only one of the four of us that didn't get his own gift at the end of the game. It was a fun game, but very stressful because I really did want my own gift and was scared to death someone was going to take it. Lucky for me, I'm the only Superhero nerd in the family...LOL!! While out shopping I happened to come across a 4 pack DVD of Superman movies.

I've been wanting to get all the Superman movies for a while now, but every time I see one it's really expensive. I could not believe it when I saw this one DVD left on the shelf for only 15 bucks!! I grabbed it and yelled "AH-HA I GOT MY GAME GIFT!!" I think a startled a few people, but oh well, I was happy. So I went over to the candy aisle and grabbed some "movie candy" and then found a gift bag... there was my gift. I was a happy, happy girl.
Then at the Xmas game when I finally got doubles I snatched up my gift bag and held onto it for dear life. When we got to the point of opening them, we all took a turn so we could show everyone what our present was. I opened mine and held up the DVD, everyone was like "oh... Superman" not really showing much enthusiasm, so I thought to myself good, nobody will take my movies. But then I brought out the candy that was with it and my nephew said "OH I WANT THAT!!" I about screamed NOOOOOOO!!!! I thought for sure my movie was gone if he rolled doubles. That had to be the longest 20 damn minutes of my life!!!!! Fortunately for me though- nobody even tried to take my gift!!!

I love Superman!!!

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