There's a house fire in our neighborhood tonight. It's just three houses over from us. It was pretty scary when it first started. One neighbor had his vehicle all packed and running in case he had to get out quick. My son and I were watching a movie when the fire whistle went off. A bit after that my son jumps up and yells "It's right out front!" I get up and see the light of the fire trucks through the curtains in our front window. Some of the trucks were lined up on our street. The fire is up around the corner. Only two of the kids were home at the time of the fire and they got out safely. Unfortunately they couldn't get the pets out, I'm happy all the people are ok, but it's so sad that the pets had to die.
I took my camera down the alley behind the house and that's when I got really scared. Fire was blazing out every window and door. The back door had fire roaring out of it, then it stopped and you could see the fire rolling across the ceiling inside the house. It's going to give me nightmares!!
I tell ya, there's nothing like a house fire to get everyone gathered in town. We have a small town and not much ever goes on, but when there's a house fire or big accident, it seems like the whole town comes out to see what's going on.
Here's the link to the pics I took

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