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Our youngest has graduated high school this past weekend. I'm so proud of him!! His future plans are National Guard & college. He's been in the Guard since last October and has enjoyed it so far. He leaves for basic training in a couple weeks, then when he graduates from there he goes to another base for AIT. He will be gone until mid December. We are going to miss him ALOT!!!! But at least we still have Zak home so we aren't completely empty nesters :-) I'm glad he's home yet, I'll be needing him this summer to get me through this!!
Another big change this summer is that I will be working. I got a part time job in a sub shop, and possibly a day or two a week at the school I work at during the school year. I had an interview today at a cell phone store, but after going through the interview, I don't think it would be the job for me. I'm not the pushy salesperson type. And since most of your pay is commission based, I probably wouldn't be making I went down to the sub shop today and was shown around. I really think I'm going to like it. It's at a water park with a dinosaur theme. The small sub shop is in the middle of the Dinosaur Crossing, Lost World outdoor water park, and Jurassic mini golf course. It's funny, I used to work at Dragon's Den mini golf, now I'll be working in a dinosaur mini golf The sub shop and bar are connected and the bar is where you get the clubs to the mini golf.
Some major changes coming up real soon. I'm looking forward to it, and also feeling a bit sad about it. But I'm the "change is good" type so I know everything will be good. It just blows my mind how fast everything went. Seems like my guys were just tiny babies, and now they're all grown up and ready to face the world head on.
Zak & Ty, your dad and I love you so much and we are so very, very proud of both of you for all you have accomplished so far and we look forward to the great things we know you'll do in the future!!!

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