Daisypath tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


It's been a while since I've blogged so I thought I'd stop in and type a little. My summer is just about over, I go back to work next week. Not really looking forward to working, but it'll be nice to have a paycheck again. That's the only downfall of having summers off- I have no money!!!

I have decided that I'm taking the year off from doing the yard haunt. I might stick a few things out there, but I won't be doing the whole graveyard. People don't realize how much work it is to put that up every year, there's a lot of time and money put into it... and there's also a TON of stress. Dealing with the "holier than thou church people" takes a lot out of ya!!!

Yes, I still love Halloween. Yes, I will still decorate a little. I just need to cut back on stress in my life. My health has gone downhill since my car accident and I really can't have any extra stress. And having to deal with the HTTCP is a huge amount of stress. Just typing about them gets me upset!!

There are already people asking me what's going on and why I haven't been doing much Halloween stuff. Sorry everyone, but I need to take care of other things first.

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